Our Expertise

Policy Examination and Auditing

Insurance products are powerful financial tools to have in your arsenal, but they are heavily impacted by interest rates and health classifications, requiring proactive monitoring and optimization. At Metz Insurance & Financial, we are diligent about staying abreast of insurance, financial, and tax law trends so that we are able to ensure that our clients' policies remain current and offer the greatest benefits at all times.

When we meet with clients for the first time, they usually have some form of insurance already in place. Our role during the initial policy audit is to provide a thorough, objective analysis to help determine if their coverage is in alignment with their current needs, objectives, and legacy goals. Drawing on our extensive knowledge of products and carriers, we will evaluate all facets of the current policy and look for new products that may provide cost savings and superior features.

Learn more about our Policy Audit Services

Pre-Underwriting Services

Many people are unaware that the cost of life, disability, and long term care insurance can be heavily influenced by having an intelligent, skilled advocate in their court during the underwriting process. Here at Metz Insurance & Financial, we have a reputation for being aggressive on behalf of our clients during underwriting, resulting in competitive offers for our clients in terms of coverage and pricing.

For nearly two decades, we have been strategically building and maintaining personal relationships with a large volume of intelligent senior underwriters, and they are happy to work with us on cases, often resulting in multiple offers for our clients to consider.

When you work with us, you can rest assured that we go far beyond simply submitting paperwork to carriers. Our relationships, experience, and skilled negotiating tactics make us a highly beneficial ally to have in your corner.