Seminars & Events

At Metz Insurance & Financial, we are passionate about providing educational resources to attorneys, accountants, trust officers, and other financial professionals so that they are able to provide the wisest council to their clients. We offer insurance seminars, or as we call them, “road shows” for leading law firms, CPA firms, money management firms, and other family offices in the high-net-worth strategic planning community.

Additionally, we actively participate in the development of insurance legislative and regulatory issues through the AALU that may affect and/or benefit our clients and their advisors. An annual presentation by us to your professionals will help keep them abreast of the knowledge they need to best advise your clients. If you are interested in scheduling a road show for your organization, please contact Corey at 972-774-2477.

In addition to our in-person presentations, we also have the following virtual learning events available. Call our office for registration information at 972-774-2477.