Personal Planning

Insurance and Asset Protection Strategies

Metz Insurance's concentration is to provide a channel to the full marketplace of life insurance, disability income, and long term care products. However, our unique value add is the customization and access to sophisticated and sometimes proprietary products. Known for our ability to find the right carriers/products given different circumstances, we keep this simplisitc and transparent during the insurance acquisition and implementation process. Many successful entrepreneurs, higher income families, and advisors have worked with our team to help shield their business and personal assets from liabilities or life events. This provides death benefit protection and helps to safeguard the transfer of assets to children and grandchildren.

Estate & Legacy Planning

High net worth individuals face many complex questions about how to optimize their financial wealth and ensure the security of their families’ futures. A well-engineered estate conservation plan can minimize tax liability and ensure loved ones are protected. However, the unfortunate reality is that without proper planning, you may end up giving a significant portion of your assets to the government through transfer taxes. At Metz Insurance & Financial, we understand that you have worked hard for what you have and would like to pass your estate on to your family. We work with clients and their professional advisors to analyze their current financial status and assess the potential impact of state and federal taxes on a client's estate and suggest strategies designed to minimize those taxes while meeting your personal philosophies and family needs.

Charitable Giving

With charitable gift planning, our philanthropically-minded clients are able to support the organizations and causes that matter most to them in a way that also provides valuable tax benefits and income streams. At Metz Insurance & Financial, we will discuss your needs and wishes to help you select the charitable giving strategies that work best for you. We will then work collaboratively with your legal and tax professionals to implement the plan.